Want to make some extra money?
Do you know someone, a colleague, a friend or family member that may be interested in shipping their goods with a reputable Freight Forwarder of over 50 Years? If so, send us their contact information and if we do business with them, we'll pay you!
How Does it Work?
Complete the form at the bottom of this page.
Once we receive the referral form, we will check against our master customer list to be sure the referral isn't already a client.
If the referral isn't an existing client, we will reach out to them to discuss our services further.
If the referral party responds well to us and we start a business relationship, you will make a referral fee on the transaction/transactions between us..
- All referrals must be qualified with American Lamprecht Transport before a referral fee will be issued to the Independent Contractor. The only reasons that would prevent a contractor from getting credit for a referral would be if 1.) we are or have worked directly with the client within the past year or 2.) if the referral is already in the process of becoming our client directly.
- Independent Contractors will receive an agreed-upon amount for all transactions that shipped with the clients they referred. The payment will be made once the cargo sets sail to its new destination. It is important to note that Independent Contractors are not employees of American Lamprecht Transport.
- If the Independent Contractor refers $600 or more in referrals a year, a W-9 will be issued by American Lamprecht Transport to said Independent Contractor.
If you have any questions about our Referral Program, please contact us at solutions@lamprechtusa.com or 1-936-445-8115
Now let's get to the fun part, submit your details below & see if your referral can make you some money:
Marked fields must be filled out.